as a people, enjoy rumors more than they enjoy the reality. They are
more likely to believe the absurd than they believe the simple truth. I
am still amaze by how much the numbers of people that demonstrated on
Jun 30 are 'still growing' by the day every time I hear some of the coup
supporters on TV (the latest I heard was that it was 33 millions - yes
33 million citizen on the streets. I heard it with my own ears from the mouth of one of the pro-coup propaganda clowns).
Unfortunately, the lousy job done over the last 12 months by the Muslim
Brotherhood and by Morsi - despite all the real obstacles they faced -
made it easy for a lot of Egyptians to believed the nonsense of the
other side, and buy into the stupidity of their claims. Sadly, Islamic
leaning groups cannot help it. They are locked into a very inflexible
mindset with dooms them to failure in modern politics. Also their sense
of supremacy (and that the eye of God is watching over them) will
always make it impossible for them to succeed.
As for the other
side (yesterday's opposition, today's governments/rulers, they are bunch of wannabees that lack the vision and the
leadership, but they have abundance of scheming skills and egos that
fill the ocean.
Bottom line, I really think Egypt deserves what is
happening to it. People are willing to bet their lives on losers
because they 'like them'. And most Egyptians do not want to see the
truth or to use their brains critically to make proper decisions.
Most of us (or them - depending on my mind set and mood towards Egypt)
do not want to admit that there is no worthwhile options on the scene.
And rather than admit that and not make judgements, we jump - with both
eyes closed - in the arms of the side we "emotionally" are incline to.
Obviously, I am not optimistic: I am simply waiting for the next disaster.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
من الفاشية الدينية إلى الفاشية العسكرية اللبرالية - يا قلبي لا تحزن
منذ حوالي ساعتين كنت أحدث نفسي: "من الفاشية الديني إلى الفاشية العسكري اللبرالية - يا قلبي لا تحزن". ثم وجدت هذه المقالة.
From the NYT: “We are moving from the bearded chauvinistic right to the clean-shaven chauvinistic right,” said Rabab el-Mahdi, a left-leaning scholar at the American University in Cairo.
بلد تعبس و موبوء باللاعقلانية من كل النواحي - حزين علي أصدقائى أما الأخرين .......
Egyptian Liberals Embrace the Military, Brooking No Dissent
Egyptians have long had an uneasy relationship with the military, but
since it pushed out President Mohamed Morsi, a majority have been
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