I am deeply unhappy about what is going on in Egypt at this time. It gets too emotional to the extent that a friend, jokingly warned me that I need to watch my health; even that I should get something to calm my nerves a bit about Egypt and its ongoing drama.
The sad thing is that my friend - even though he was joking - is partly correct. Egypt's situation is one of the top 3 extremely stressful things in my life now. Added on top of that, it is the most 'diverse'. So it is impossible to adapt to it - even a bit. Other stresses have become somewhat predictable and you learn to live with them.
Not this thing with Egypt. Everyday, there is a totally new kind of stupidity and a totally new kind of 'low'. It is impossible - for me at least - to adapt to that. It is like chasing you own tail. The minute you think you are getting close to acclimatization, the whole scene changes to a more depressing yet totally 'novel' frustration.
Why can't that stupid country direct its creativity towards something good rather that discovering new ways to give us all heart attacks and strokes?
I have the same feeling ya Khalid.