Saturday, August 17, 2013

'?Quranic Verses: Could They Be Used in Arguments of Non-Religious Nature

A good and thoughtful friend of mine expressed concerns regarding the use of Quranic verses in many of the opinion disputes and arguments these days. He definitely has legitimate concerns that worry me too. But I only partially agreed with him as I see some legitimate uses as well. I may be trying to split hairs, especially in the middle of the opinion and verbal war going on these days about the situation in Egypt, but I think I still have a point to share. And here it is:
I agree with you totally on most of your statements. But I have only a partial, or qualified; agreement with your final sentence regarding avoiding the use of Quranic verses.
Of the Quranic verses, there are verses that could be abused: for example, using verses to hint that one group is the group of the believers (or God's favorite) or that the other is not. That is God's judgement. Another example is using verses that God used to express His, the Almighty, judgement of communities or individuals in the past or on the Day of Judgment is a transgression against God.
BUT, and it is a big but, Quranic verses are also the most effective reminder of the moral principles or fairness, justice, the need for coherence in making moral judgements (i.e., avoiding double standards, or AL-tatfeef التطفيف), the need to rethink our stances and opinions in view of what we thinks is right (Al-Taqua التقوى), or of the need to testify to the truth according to conscience and not desires (Al-hawa الهوى), and even the need to avoid excessive anger and to practice tolerance and encourage coexistence. Using these verses as a reminder of our moral responsibility is A MAJOR goal and use of the Quran: it is a REMINDER to those that think of it as a reference for morality.

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